Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Way of the Heart 2

Lest I create the wrong impression, I must confess, what I wrote in Way of the Heart 1 is more an example of wishful imagining than a practice that I have successfully mastered in my own life. It's a terrific idea on paper but an almost impossible ideal to strive toward. I have my own compilation of moments when I totally failed to show love to a tormentor or a petty tyrant (and I have the temerity to speak on behalf of humanity!) I can easily think of a number of people with whom I probably wouldn't get very far in my journey by taking the 'way of the heart.' Imagine a situation where I'm attempting to move the heart of Attila the Hun (I'm drawing upon a distant historical figure deliberately as it is somewhat easier to envision Attila as a 'monster' without someone interrupting and claiming, "Oh, but Attila wrote these love songs that are still sung in the Great Steppes." Maybe Attila did write love songs. Maybe Attila IS a noble benevolent king in non-European historical accounts. I don't know. Okay?) - the point is, Attila's heart - if he had one - was probably not aware of a 'way' that belonged to it.

I guess I am straining to catch the whisperings of my own heart ... and not really attempting to influence the likes of Attila.

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